Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Yellow-head Jawfish

The Yellow-head Jawfish is a wonderful looking fish with a bright yellow head and a white or light blue body. They like to burrow in the substrate and prefer a deeper sand bed with crushed coral and various grades of sand, at least 3 to 5 inches. They have the incredible ability to quickly dart back into their burrow tail first when spooked. You usually won't see them swimming around alot. They like to hang vertically above the burrow or in the burrow with only their yellow heads poking out. It's really neat to see a colony of them in a tank hanging vertically above their holes watching you. They should do well with other peaceful marine fish and you should be able to keep multiple yellow jawheads in the same tank, provided that there is enough territory for each. However, the different jawfish species may not co-exist peacefully in the same tank. They have been known to jump out of tanks when first introduced, so you'll need a good tight fitting hood with no possible escape points.
The Yellow-head Jawfish is primarily a carnivore and need meaty foods in their diet. At first, you may need to deposit the food near the burrow opening to entice them to eat. After they become acclimated they may become less shy and may come out of the burrow to eat. Be warned, they may nip at and eat small crustaceans.
They seem to be fairly disease resistant but you still need to take proper pre-cautions and use a quarantine tank before introducing them into your main tank.