Thursday, October 8, 2009

What Freshwater Aquarium Fish Can I keep Together?

Many people ask us a lot of questions about:  what fish can I keep in my tank so no body will fight with each other? The answer is simple, there are many of compatible fish and today we’ll try to answer this question. If you have freshwater aquarium fish than we’ll give you a list of fish that can and can’t be kept in one tank,ok?  So lets start from cichlids and one of them is none agressive – Angelfish. Ok so lets see you have Angels, if you didn’t know they also belong to cichlid family, BUT they are not aggressive as their relatives. Angels can be easily kept with community fish like guppies, mollies, red sword tails, glownfish, catfish, cory fish, etc. Angelfish are peaceful and won’t make any problems for you unless you’ll have guppy or moly fry, than they’ll think that it’s food and they will definitely eat them.  Now let’s go to agressors. Under this goes African cichlids that are semi aggressive and more aggressive fish like Oscars, Jack Dampsey, etc. All of them must be kept away from community fish like we showed before and from others that aren’t that aggressive.  If you’ll have something like medium guppy and medium African cichlid in one tank than African one will start nipping your guppy and we’re sure you don’t want to see something like that. Please avoid that. Cichlids with cichlids, community fish with community fish.  If you have BETA fish in bigger tank than just bowl, than you’ll be able to have also red sword tails, black/silver mollies, angels, cat fish, cory fish, and other friendly fish. Please avoid all kinds of barbs because they’ll nip your beta and other fancy (with long fins) fish.  Goldfish can be also kept with community fish that we indicated above.  We hope it was useful for you to read this article and If you have any questions about aquarium fish keeping