A“Tancho” is a koi with a distinctive, usually round and red (hi), marking on the head that does not appear anywhere else on the body. Originally the name was “Hinomaru”, a crimson disk on white ground, representative of the Japanese national flag. The word “tancho” derives from the Japanese crane, a white bird with a round red crest. The roundish head marking which appears in addition to any other similar colored markings on the body is known as Maruten, as opposed to Tancho. Any koi variety with more than one color is capable of producing a tancho: for example Tancho Goshiki, a basic red and white koi with shades of blue and black as an
overlaying vignette: or Tancho Ogon, a head. However, tancho koi are more usually associated with Kohaku, a white koi with red patterns, with Taisho Sanke, a “white
based” koi with red and black, and with Showa Sanshoku, a “black based” koi with
red and white, arranged differently from Taisho Sanke.
It is just these three (Gosanke) varieties that provide the show class Tancho. Other koi having a tancho pattern are classified with their basic variety, although that may change in the next few years in the U.S.
The tancho marking, as a key feature of this variety, was originally desired to be large, round solidly colored, and to have clean sharp edges. The (ideally) round hi should cover as much of the head as possible, but without incursion over eyes or
shoulders; hence a koi with a broad forehead would be more likely to develop the classic tancho.While this is preferred, other shapes and sizes of tancho have become acceptable. But they are not as highly prized by most collectors, and the perfect
round tancho marking is hard to find, especially in the larger sizes. However, there is much more to a good tancho than just a well defined, round red marking on the head. The koi must have the requisite criteria for high quality. Excellent
conformation, clear bright, lustrous skin with well balanced, solid, clear edged body components (when any are present, such as in Tancho Sanke or Tancho Showa), and pleasing, alert deportment.
The Tancho Kohaku is perhaps the epitome of the tancho ideal, a plain white background with the simplest of overlays.When there is such a plain base, perfect symmetry of both body shape and fins are an absolute requirement. Such a large expanse of white skin is highly demanding of a smooth, lustrous, unblemished, pure white finish. Scaling must also be neat, as any unevenness of the scale lines is very obvious on a koi where the body is a single color. Probably the most common problem seen on this type of koi at shows is a (usually) stress related flushing of the white skin, which considerably damages the impression. Nevertheless, a Tancho Kohaku that merits the word “excellent” in truly a memorably koi.
When selecting a young Tancho, the larger the round hi marking, the more stable the tancho is thought to be as it ages. Some also think that buying a tancho at least two years in age helps make sure it is stable.A tancho marking has often disappeared as the koi ages from age one to two, much to the chagrin of many a koi keeper. The tancho of a youngster rarely has sharp definition, but if it is big when the koi is small, it will often achieve the desired definition in time. The hi of the young
tancho must be thick and even, and should preferably not have achieved the much desired crimson red of an adult Tancho. The edging and uniformity of the color often indicates the strength of the marking.A definite fault out of which the koi will not
grow is the presence of yellow or brown stains surrounding the hi marking. But one must also again remember not to base the decision only on the quality of the tancho marking. The overall quality of the koi must be judged, and specifically the quality of the ground on which the tancho lies. The ground must be pure and of such quality as to promote the etching of the hi marking. In Tancho Sanke and Tancho Showa, the ideal pattern of Shiro Bekko and Shiro Utsuri must be sought and the sumi
must be thick, ebony-like and perfectly defined. For Tancho Showa, motoguro in the pectoral fins is an absolute prerequisite and for the Tancho Sanke, the tejima striping of the pectoral fins is desirable.
Tancho koi are a group demonstrating an interesting pattern variation that is popular with many hobbyists. The impression they give can be quite variable, often light hearted, and always appealing. They are thought to bring “good luck” in a pond,
and make an interesting addition to any collection of koi.
Source: http://www.makc.com/MAKCLIBRARY/Tancho_Winkler.pdf